With a self-coined moniker that literally translates to “Grind School”, it would seem that Escuela Grind has invited upon itself a landslide of self-pressure. However, and to the contrary, the hard-charging, young Massachusetts band instead defines its self-assured handle through practice, intention, and mindset. Performing upwards of 250 live shows, globally, in the past year alone certainly helps balance the scale. Escuela Grind has established itself as, inarguably, one of the hungriest young groups in music today.
“Most of the new album, ‘Dreams on Algorithms’, was written in a van that practically fell apart while we were terminally on the road touring with bands we look up to that might sound different than us,” says Escuela Grind vocalist Katerina Economou. “We are no longer interested in meeting the standards of niche genres. Writing music that draws from our own personal tastes helps the crowds get to know us when they come to see us play.”